Family Is First

What can you do in four hours. Time passes quickly.

Woke up at 5 and lounged there in bed. While lounging I reflected on my Wednesday as the birds chirped, made a mental gratitude list and and gave thanks for another day. Each morning I  grab my Blackberry to check the time and I unconsciously start reading the emails and text messages that popped up while i slept.

The sun never sets on our world. While I am sleeping someone else is typing on a keyboard somewhere in the world with the goal their message reaching me and it does. How did we get so plugged in to a wireless world. One thing I noticed in the long list of message was that none of them were from my family. So I asked myself, what is wrong with this picture?

Rolled out of bed at 6 to start my day. My answer came in the following way. Slow down. Unplug. Connect with your kids. The world can go on without you, but your family cannot. So I sent this message to my family by text message on that same Blackberry:

“This is my home number save it in your phone  123-456-7890.  I will be turning off my phone to set new office hours with my business so call me on the home phone if I do not answer the mobile number.”

The answers came beeping back in and I got this one from my first born. “ok. Someone stole my computer from my home. I will call u shortly gonna take a quik nap”

I believe more in my mom intuition more than ever now.  Allow yourself time each day to reflect and listen to yourself. You have the answers. My family is first to me.

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