Sunday Blogging

July 10, 2011

So this is day ten of the Ultimate Blog Challenge! I am falling behind. I think I need some time management lessons. It’s summer! The days are longer and there is so much to do outside that I am spending so much time outside away from my computer. And guess what I am loving the outdoors.

Back to the challenge. Blogging is sharing so today I’m not talking about business but life. This is why I am in business to enjoy by life. Working from home affords me the pleasure of working anytime and anywhere I choose. Today I choose to bike ride. I’ll be back tomorrow.

Forum Posting Techniques to Help You Promote Your Blo

July 3, 2011

Having a blog can be a great start to an online writing career. A blog will allow you to express yourself, providing you with an outlet for your stress, which can be especially useful if you are working or in school. A blog can also allow you to share your experiences with friends and family, and you can simply post your pictures and diary entries without having to tell the same stories over and over again. Aside from all these, you can also use your blog to sell things, organize your web pages, and even earn some money.

Thanks to the power of technology and prospecting, there are now many ways through which you can make money through your blog. For instance, you can get commissions through paid advertising on your site. There are two ways that you can do this: you can either solicit offline and get brick and mortar companies to pay you to post their ads on your site, or you can join an affiliate marketing network and get paid for each click that visitors make on your ads. You can also blog for a living, and get paid for each entry that you write.

Either technique, however, demands that you have a lot of people visiting your site every single day. This can be a daunting task: you will need to be able to market your site so that it stands out amongst the millions of other blogs online. You will also need to sustain this onslaught of people reading your site by constantly adding to your content, keeping your content useful and fresh, and of course, never lagging in your marketing efforts. One way that you can promote your blog is to post in forums with subjects that are related to your blog posts.

If you are interested in promoting your blog and getting more people to read your work, then you may be interested in posting in forums and knowing how to go about it. Here are a few tips that you may need when posting in forums.

– Always pick a forum that has something to do with your blog. You may think that this is common sense, but you need to know why it’s the best practice for any blogger. Many bloggers make the mistake of spamming blogs in an effort to spread themselves throughout the forum and have their news spread faster. This can be a costly mistake: you do not only alienate your potential market, you will make yourself appear desperate. This air of desperation makes you appear like a hard-selling puppet of capitalism, and in the world of the Internet, where free and open source rules, you can work against your own potential.

– Avoid text lingo and spell like a pro. You may think that your audience is young and on the go, and would not care about your spelling. However, if you cannot even spell well, how can anyone trust you to blog well? How can anyone trust you as a credible source of high quality information? Spell well, check your grammar, and look at your punctuation. You need to look like you are someone who is meticulous and knows what people want, so don’t risk damaging your reputation by taking the shortest cut.

– Help people. Put your blog address in your signature, but start out by helping people with their problems. If you allow people to feel that they are important, they will be interested in you.

Just Like Riding A Bicycle

July 1, 2011

How many times have you told someone “it’s just like riding a bicycle”? I find myself saying this more and more to friends and clients each day. Reminding them that they have the ability to do the thing they are resisting doing or afraid to do. It’s just like riding a bicycle, right?

Well I am now practicing what I preach. I started this blog a long time ago and forgot about it. I was so busy living and enjoying my retirement that I neglected this blog and this blog is what got me to where I am today. The concept of this blog for sure, Networking 5 to 9.

I worked at the post office from 9 to 5 and I worked my MLM business from 5 to 9. It is just as simple as that.

I am back because of The Ultimate Blog Challenge. Please go to for more details and stay tuned or join me this month. It is going to be great!


John Fogg sent a message to the members of The Greatest Networker in the World.

September 29, 2009

And this message was meant to be shared. Enjoy!
Subject: Your ONLY Obligation In This Business Is…

This is an article I didn’t write. Would that I had. It’s high up on my list of the Top 10 pieces I’ve read in my 20+ years in this business. Art Jonak wrote it and it is masterful. I’ll only put half of it here (way too long for a weblog post), so down bottom is a link to download the whole thing in PDF. And I would recommend sending a copy to everybody on your team.

The Notification Principle
Out of every 100 people in your warm market right now, 10-15 of them are seriously looking for an additional way to make an extra paycheck every month. This article is for network marketers who insist on keeping their business a secret—or… “How I stopped complaining I had no prospects and started building my business.”
Art Jonak

It’s here in; today.
Please, don’t miss it!

September 10, 2009

Goodness Gracious I just woke up to the fact I have not updated this since you last visited… You would not believe how insane my life has become. I’m a blogger so I will though!.

I am overwhelmed with work, personal projects, and just generally being a slave to my employer. My day is a nightmare and I would like to wake up. From the first cockadoodledoo from the rooster to sun down and beyond ,I am not complaining though. Can’t they see I need to blog.

Life is great, however. I hope you are having a good life as well.

I will blog more regularly. I promise! Just the way life is!

A Great Social Connection Strategy – Get Your FaceBook Name

June 14, 2009

Your internet presence is very important to you and your business. The future of business is both online and offline. This article by none there than the Word Press Wizard will explain it all.

A Great Social Connection Strategy – Get Your FaceBook Name

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I claimed my name

Top Ten Inspiring Quotes from Entrepreneurs

May 28, 2009

1. Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan.
Norman Vincent Peale

2. Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.
Conrad Hilton

3. Anybody who thinks money will make you happy, hasn’t got money.
David Geffen

4. Failures don’t plan to fail; they fail to plan.
Harvey Mackay

5. There are two things people want more than sex and money… recognition and praise.
Mary Kay Ash

6. A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life.
Suze Orman

7. If I had to sum up in one word what makes a good manager, I’d say decisiveness. You can use the fanciest computers to gather the numbers, but in the end you have to set a timetable and act.
Lee Iacocca

8. When you innovate, you’ve got to be prepared for everyone telling you you’re nuts.
Larry Ellison

9. Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage.
Victor Kiam

10. Nobody talks of entrepreneurship as survival, but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking.
Anita Roddick

The New “Moonlighting”

May 6, 2009

Millions of people are working second jobs without the commute as they are work online using the internet to supplement their income.
just look at the definition:
Moonlighting or
moon·light (mnlt)
The light reflected from the surface of the moon.
intr.v. moon·light·ed, moon·light·ing, moon·lights Informal
To work at another job, often at night, in addition to one’s full-time job.

My how times have changed. Thanks to technology the “:often at night” part of the definition is passe. You can now work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from the comfort of your home.

As I was driving to work today, I kept drifting to this thought, “I work where I live” This is the reality for a lot of people today. Some intentionally working where they live, and some by force due to layoffs.

Since this is a blog about my moonlighting journey, I just wanted to share and ask what are you doing to earn extra income.

Do you moonlight?

How to pick a Network Marketing Company

April 12, 2009

When choosing a Network Marketing company it is important to know to that business models drive the behavior in the field.
Here is a quiz to assist you in attaining your goals.
1. Are you currently building a network marketing company?

2. What are your 2 biggest business challenges?

3. What are your 2 biggest business concerns?

Would you like to do something about your challenges and concerns?


You see the challenges you have been having are not your fault.

Have you ever asked yourself this question? “Of all the time I’ve this done to build a network marketing business, I’ve done that, I’m on all the training calls, all kinds of people are supposedly having success, and I’m not!”

You are not alone. I asked myself the same question for years. Then one day I found out the truth. You see,

“The cards were stacked against you, and you just didn’t know it. You didn’t realize it. And I can show you why and how they were stacked against you.”

In the book Success in 10 Steps, Michael Dlouhy, take a very close look at the business model. You are here because you are an entrepreneur, you’re here to make money, you’re in business. So it makes sense to look at the business model, doesn’t it?

Of course, is does.

To understand how the business models affects how you earn a living in Network Marketing that will pay your what you are worth, just download this free report and then give me a call. I will then help you evaluate your situation and help you make the changes neccessary to become successful in Network Marketing.
Just click he picture below.


15 Fascinating Ways to Track Twitter Trends

April 4, 2009

15 Fascinating Ways to Track Twitter Trends

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